The pot-tential is here: Gaze Seed Company is ready, when it's legal
Prototype seed packages have been made, and are just waiting for legalization next summer

There's still 11 months before marijuana is legal in Canada, but the Gaze Seed Company is already getting a jump on their marketing.
They have created a prototype for their branding of seed packaging and a mailing list for anyone who wants to sign up for future information on what they will be carrying — and growers workshops.
"It's been huge, so many people are excited but they might be a bit over eager they still have to wait until the July 1st date," Jackson McLean said.
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McLean is the assistant manager at the Gaze Seed Company, and handles the business's marketing.
"We have a lot of customers who expressed interest in it before, and they're excited about legalization too, we just want to be there to support them," he said.
We want to keep it pretty affordable for people, especially with selling medical strains that don't get you high.- Jackson McLean
The seeds may have to be kept in a special cabinet away from the vegetable seeds or somewhere restricted depending on the legalization rules, such as age restrictions.
"Apart from that, it's just going to be like turnip," McLean said.
The cannabis seeds they sell will have to come from licensed producers.
"We're actually emailing back and forth with the government to find out where we're actually allowed to get seeds from," he said.

They're hoping to keep the seeds affordable but have seen them range in price up to $50.
"We want to keep it pretty affordable for people, especially with selling medical strains that don't get you high," McLean said.
"I might be growing some myself, I don't see any problem with it. To me it's the same as brewing your own beer or wine," he said.
Hydroponics will be a huge part of people growing their own cannabis, and Gaze is already prepared to meet those needs with a range of set ups and plans to offer workshops on how to use them.
"We just like being ahead of the game and always like bringing in new and interesting things into the store that gets people. And once they're in they see all sorts of stuff they didn't know that we had," McLean said.
There are a range of cannabis users that McLean expects to see visiting the store this time next year.
"Most people my age do partake, you're going to get all kinds," he said. "You're going to get elderly people who have their prescriptions for the medical stuff."