St. John's class gets hands dirty learning gardening skills from Autism Society
Transitions program gets out of the garden and into school

A group of Grade 1 students spent an afternoon learning something they don't normally get taught in school by people who don't normally teach them.
The Autism Society of Newfoundland and Labrador brought two participants from its Transitions program into the classroom.
"We decided to take our skills on the road and teach little kids about planting seeds," Transitions program co-ordinator Megan Marshall said.

Colin Martin and Micah Maddalena normally help Marshall garden on about 10 acres of land near the society's centre.
The two are part of Transitions' employment program.
"They have been in programming with me since the fall," Marshall said.
"It's a one-year-long employment program and pretty soon they will get hired as part-time grounds staff at our centre and do the farming and gardening with me."
On Monday they brought their skills into Bishop Feild, teaching Ms. Howard's Grade 1 class about gardening and helping students plant green and yellow beans.
"Anything that bridges my participants to the community and gives a new face to autism is our agenda," Marshall said.
"Being able to share gardening information is something that we like too, so we'd like to do more of it."