Henry Goodrich oil rig shut down following 'unauthorized discharge' of fluid
Drilling operations have stopped on the Henry Goodrich offshore rig after hydraulic fluid was accidentally released, resulting in "impairment of safety equipment on the rig."
Discharge activated the offshore rig's blowout preventer, according to a CNLOPB incident notice

Drilling operations have stopped on the Henry Goodrich offshore rig after hydraulic fluid was accidentally released, resulting in "impairment of safety equipment on the rig."
There were no injuries, according to a Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board report.
Husky Energy is reporting that approximately 1800 litres of hydraulic fluid was released to the environment on Friday during drilling operations.
A C-NLOPB incident report said the release of fluid caused a rapid drop in pressure which immediately activated the Blowout Preventer (BOP). The BOP functioned as intended and secured the well, the report said.
The C‐NLOPB is reviewing the incident and Husky Energy is continuing to investigate.