Hockey suspension for MHA Keith Russell
The PC politician used foul language while criticizing game officials

The Progressive Conservative MHA for Lake Melville, also a minor league hockey coach, has been suspended from six hockey games for using inappropriate language.
Hockey NL president Jack Lee confirmed Wednesday that Keith Russell was given a six-game suspension after reviewing Russell's tangle with minor league hockey referees in Labrador City earlier in November.

A woman at a minor league hockey tournament over the Remembrance Day weekend said Russell, who was coaching a team in the tournament, used foul language when he criticized game officials.
Russell was eventually escorted out of the arena.
Lee said the referees told him that Russell crossed a line.
Russell offered a tight-lipped smile, but no comment on the hockey suspension when he arrived at the house of assembly on Thursday.
However his boss, Newfoundland and Labrador Premier Kathy Dunderdale, said she spoke to Russell about the incident.
"I'm certainly not going to try and defend Mr. Russell's behaviour," the premier said. "It was inappropriate and it's completely unacceptable."
NDP MHA Dale Kirby said Russell's behaviour was unfitting for an MHA.

"We should hold ourselves to a higher standard of behaviour," said Kirby.
"I think we want to set an example for our school children, and all members of the public, regarding how citizens ought to behave towards one another."
Russell made headlines in September when he apologized for calling spiritual beliefs about the Muskrat Falls area "mumbo jumbo."