How MUN is dealing with a parking crunch before the fall semester
Memorial University students who drive to and from the St. John's campus may have to get used to a different parking situation this year.
The university is getting rid of two large parking lots to make way for the new Core Sciences building, which means nearly 340 spaces are being taken out of an already problematic parking sitiation on campus.
To make up for the lost spots, the university is creating three new lots on the south side of campus, which should create about 260 new spaces. MUN plans to have the new parking areas ready to go by the fall semester.
Hover your cursor over our interactive map to get information and photos on the new and old parking spots.
MUN says right now the priority is to relocate permit holders who are displaced by the construction of the new science building., while trying to accommodate new permit holders as well.

As well, it is exploring the possibility of new "pay-and-display" spots being created at St. Augustine's Church on Westerland Road in time for the fall.
Other locations around campus are also being scouted, though nothing is confirmed yet.
David Sorensen, acting associate director of communications at MUN, said while efforts are being made to create more parking spaces, the reality is that there are simply too many people driving cars to MUN to keep up with.
Parking is limited on the St. John's campus," he said.
"We ask that people consider alternative ways to travel to work such as public transit or carpooling, which would help alleviate some of the parking issues on campus."