Judy Manning workers compensation reviews completed
Attorney general left 19 files not finished when she departed commissioner’s post

The 19 workers compensation appeals assigned to Judy Manning before her departure as review commissioner have all been resolved, according to the province.

But that wasn’t Manning's first government appointment. She spent five months in the part-time job as a review commissioner with the Workplace, Health, Safety and Compensation Review Division (WHSCRD).
When Manning departed that position shortly before her cabinet appointment, she left a backlog of cases with no final decisions made.
That meant injured workers were left waiting for decisions on all 19 files assigned to her.
After CBC Investigates broke that story, chief review commissioner Marlene Hickey promised to resolve all of those cases within 60 days. Hickey apologized to those affected.
"I do want them to understand that we are doing everything we can within this organization and working with government to make sure that these cases are completed and that no one is waiting any longer than they necessarily have to," Hickey told CBC Investigates in October.

Hickey was unavailable for an interview.
But a spokeswoman for Service NL, which oversees the WHSCRD, says all of those appeals have now been completed, and one worker opted for a new hearing.
Most of those decisions are posted on the WHSCRD website.
In October, Manning brushed aside any suggestion that her track record as commissioner could look bad, given her appointment to a key cabinet post.
"I'm entirely comfortable with how I've discharged my duties as a review commissioner and certainly to date I'm entirely comfortable with the energy and the enthusiasm that I've brought to this position,” she said at the time.