Karen Oldford not seeking re-election in Labrador City
After 8 years on council and 6 years in the mayor's seat, Oldford says nursing job takes up her time

After eight years on council and six years in the mayor's seat, Karen Oldford will not be seeking re-election in Labrador City.
"It's a pretty tough decision not to run. I love what I do in my community and I've enjoyed every minute of being mayor of Labrador City," Oldford told CBC's Labrador Morning.
Oldford said her new job as a registered nurse at the local hospital won't allow the same kind of flexibility in her work schedule she previously had when she was able to do shift work.
"If I can't make that commitment then I'm better to step back and let others step up who can," said Oldford, who is also president of Municipalities NL.
There were a number of projects Oldford said she would love to see through, such as a proposed multiplex for Labrador West, a project she's been working on since she began on council.

She said she will continue to participate in the feasibility study looking at the amalgamation of Labrador City and Wabush.
"We've got to have a lot of community discussion and engagement to talk about the implications of that," Oldford said. "You're making a decision now moving forward that will impact you into the next 50 years and beyond."
Oldford says she is planning to retire from nursing in the next few years and isn't ruling out a future run at politics.
"Who know once that happens, where we'll be? There's always a new day."
With files from Labrador Morning