Kathy Dunderdale announces independent electricity review
Review to look at current system of electricity; how it's operated, managed, regulated

Newfoundland and Labrador premier Kathy Dunderdale has announced an independent review into the province's electrical system.
The review will look at the current electrical system in Newfoundland and Labrador; how it operates, how it is managed, and how it is regulated as the province moves from an isolated system to an interconnected system.
"I know the last several days have been challenging for residents of our province and have raised some larger questions as to the reliability of our electricity system," said Dunderdale.
"I want the people of this province to have the confidence in our system that I do."
This review will happen in addition to the Public Utilities Board review of the province's electrical system.
Dunderdale said Nalcor, Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro, and the PUB will all be examined in the province's review.
Terms of reference will be drafted and made public. An independent body will be chosen to do the review within the next six weeks, said a release from the province.
PUB should do review, say Liberals
Meanwhile, provincial Liberal critic Tom Osborne said Dunderdale's announcement that government will draft the terms of reference of the review falls short of what his party thinks is needed.
"You've got a situation here now where government is going to draft the terms of reference, it's almost like the fox watching the hen house," said Osborne.
Osborne said the Liberals believe the Public Utilities Board should lead the review and hold public hearings.
The PUB's own review is looking specifically at what went wrong during the past week.