Liberals take lead in latest CRA poll
Liberals 41%, NDP 33%, Tories 26%

The latest numbers released by Corporate Research Associates put the Newfoundland and Labrador Liberal Party ahead of the pack.
Support for the Liberals rests at 41 percent, widening the gap between the two opposition parties. In comparison with last quarter, the Liberals have made a five-point jump from 36 per cent.

One third of those surveyed said they would support the New Democrats if an election were held today. The NDP dropped from 37 per cent to 33 per cent.
The governing Progressive Conservative party dropped slightly, from 27 per cent to 26 per cent.
The number of undecided voters has also dropped from 30 per cent down to 24 per cent.
Dunderdale remains in third
Premier Kathy Dunderdale's personal popularity remains relatively unchanged from three months ago. About 22 per cent of voters said they support the province's premier.
NDP Leader Lorraine Michael retained top spot, although she slipped a percentage point to 35 per cent support as the best choice for premier.
Interim Liberal leader Eddie Joyce has 21 per cent support, in comparison with 24 per cent when Dwight Ball held the position. Ball stepped down to run for the permanent leadership of the party.
About 22 per cent of those surveyed like none of these leaders or have no opinion.
More than 60 per cent polled said they are dissatified with the current PC government.
The performance of the Tories remains steady, with a percentage point in the difference compared to last quarter.
The poll was conducted between Aug. 8 and Aug. 31, and involved 400 adults. The margin of error is 4.9 per cent, 19 times out of 20.