Little wrecked Corvette, thanks to Leslie

The garage that Glenn Petten of Paradise built for his 1984 Corvette wound up flying through the air and landing on top of it during the worst part of Tropical Storm Leslie.

Petten was sitting in his kitchen on Tuesday morning, eating a bowl of cereal and watching the tropical storm's powerful winds hurl bits of debris through the air.
"I was watching the wind blow the siding off the house below," recounted Petten. "Next thing I know I saw the corner of the garage going up, up, up, and I said 'oh no'."
Petten watched in horror as Tropical Storm Leslie picked up his garage and dropped it squarely on his beloved red Corvette.
Heartbroken, but looking for the silver lining, Petten said he was glad no one was injured.
"I was building the garage to put the car in to do some work on her. I guess I've got a lot of work to do now," said Petten.