Q&A: Rise of fentanyl and opioid addiction in Newfoundland
CBC Newfoundland and Labrador hosted a live discussion tonight on its Facebook page. Watch it here.
Health minister, addictions doctor, former addict taking part in discussion
The rise of the synthetic opioid fentanyl and treating addiction was discussed during a live special on CBC Newfoundland and Labrador's Facebook page on Tuesday.
Health Minister John Haggie took questions and comments from the audience, along with U-Turn founder Jeff Bourne and Dr. Bruce Hollett, division chief of family medicine, chronic pain and addiction at the Waterford Hospital.
- Fighting fentanyl: Police provide update 1 month after overdose cluster
- More emphasis on addictions still needed: outreach group
In late April, Eastern Health revealed it had been tracking a number of related opioid overdoses. Health professionals believed the overdoses were all part of the same cluster.

Many users said they thought they were taking heroin or cocaine, but in fact, the drugs contained fentanyl, an opioid so powerful that a single grain could kill you.