Local run honours RCMP officers killed in Moncton

About 200 people took part in a memorial run yesterday to remember three RCMP officers who were killed in Moncton more than a year ago.
The Three Km for Three Fathers Memorial Run honoured officers Douglas Larche, David Ross, and Fabrice Gévaudan, who were shot while on duty last June.
"They were three fathers who had three families and children and as well," said Holyrood RCMP officer Kelly Downey, who organized the local run.

"We just wanted to have everyone come together in full support with our partners in the city. Everybody came together to honour them."
Participants in St. John's ran the trail around Quidi Vidi Lake. Several other runs were held across Atlantic Canada yesterday, including in the late officers' hometown of Moncton.
The three officers were shot by Justin Bourque on June 4, 2014. The RCMP responded to the shooting with a 30-hour manhunt and city-wide lockdown.
Tony Woodman's daughter is a Royal Newfoundland Constabulary officer in Mount Pearl. He ran in support of his daughter and her colleagues.
"Those things shouldn't happen, but unfortunately they do. Thanks to those guys in the police forces we're protected," he said.

"Without those guys we could be those three guys up there and I thank them for everything they do."
Downey said the run will likely take place again in St. John's next year.