Lower Churchill dominates question period
Questions about the Lower Churchill project dominated a historic day in Newfoundland and Labrador's house of assembly.
For the first time in the province's history, women squared off as leaders of all three parties in the legislature during question period.
Opposition and Liberal Leader Yvonne Jones's first questions came after an absence of several months while she is battling breast cancer. She called the $6.2 billion Lower Churchill development a gamble that exposes taxpayers to unacceptable risk.
"We won't grow Newfoundland and Labrador based on gouging the people of this province, I say to you, Premier, like you're about to do," she said. "Jacking up their light bill, leaving a debt in this province for the next five generations of children to have to pay down. That's the kind of actions that your government is taking."
Premier Kathy Dunderdale repeatedly told the house that Jones is putting out misinformation to the public.
"The leader of the Opposition assumes that the same amount of ignorance exists on this side of the house or within Nalcor as exists in her office, Mr Speaker," she said.
"Nalcor knows of what it speaks, Mr. Speaker. Muskrat Falls is the most cost effective green energy solution for the demands of the people of Newfoundland and Labrador."