Michael calls for 2014 leadership review
Michael says NDP caucus had a 'full and frank discussion'

Newfoundland and Labrador New Democratic Party leader Lorraine Michael said she will call on the party executive to include a leadership review vote at the next provincial convention in 2014.
The announcement follows a weekend meeting of the five members of the NDP caucus.
“We had a full and frank discussion, and I am ready to move forward with the work I have to do,” Michael said, after the meeting.
“At the last convention, executive was directed to prepare wording that would make a leadership review vote a part of every convention, similar to the practice in other sections of the New Democratic Party. I want to be absolutely clear about my mandate going into the next provincial election, and the best way to do that is to put the question to the membership at convention," said Michael.
"The constitutional amendments the party is preparing could not come into force until the 2016 convention, but I am not prepared to wait that long. That is why I am asking for the leadership review vote at next year's convention.”