Town warns capelin-chasers: Don't park on wrong side of road
Middle Cove Beach still waiting, but the fish are rolling up on Witless Bay

With capelin aficionados waiting for the silvery fish to start rolling in earnest, a Newfoundland town has a pre-emptive warning: Park properly or prepare to be towed.
The capelin aren't flooding Middle Cove Beach yet, but the Town of Logy Bay-Middle Cove-Outer Cove issued a reminder Friday morning to fish fans to park in designated areas. The town is also warning people not to leave their vehicles in the no-parking zone on the north side — the ocean side — of Marine Drive.
Last year, traffic congestion was a major headache for the town during capelin season.
Capelin are in Witless Bay <a href="">#eCapelin</a> <a href=""></a> <a href="">@NL411_</a> <a href="">@DFO_NL</a> <a href=""></a>
"In the event of an emergency it is vital that first responders have unimpeded access to Middle Cove Beach as well as the homes located in the community," said a news release from the town on Friday Morning. "Please be advised that the RNC will be ticketing and, if necessary, towing vehicles that are left in the no parking areas."
While Middle Cove Beach awaits the small fish, Witless Bay is already awash in them.
Capelin are rolling at Lower Pond Beach, Witless Bay! <a href="">#CapelinRoll2017</a> <a href="">#eCapelin</a> <a href=""></a>