#moosejaws and other 'shark eats moose' memes
Our users have fun with story sent 'round the world
An act of kindness by two men from Newfoundland's northeast coast means a Greenland shark is swimming in the ocean, and some creative fun courtesy our users.
The story of Derrick Chaulk and Jeremy Ball saving the shark by pulling a piece of moose hide out of its mouth has gone viral, with readers from around the world via major websites like Reddit.
We asked users to create a internet meme, defined by Wikipedia as a concept that spreads rapidly from person to person.
Our first attempt was "Gotta Get Me Moose B'y." Through Facebook, twitter and email, we received either ideas for memes or memes themselves. Here is some of what we got.

If you want to give it a try using you favourite meme maker, you can find our original template on our Facebook page CBC Newfoundland and Labrador. And then you can post your creation on that page.