More community support needed in Trinity-Conception, says Eastern Health report

A report from Eastern Health said while people in the Trinity and Conception Bay areas of Newfoundland and Labrador are happy with existing health services, they would like the health board to do more work on illness prevention, accessibility to services, and community support.
Eastern Health CEO Vickie Kaminski released the report, the board's fifth and final needs assessment for areas under its jurisdiction, in Carbonear on Tuesday.
The report indicated that people in the area would like more information about available services, more affordable housing for vulnerable residents, and more accessible transportation to and from medical appointments.
In addition, some of those surveyed asked for more mental health services, and extra support for people battling addictions in the area.
Ongoing support needed
Jeff Bourne runs U-Turn Addictions Drop-In Centre, a support facility for people struggling with addictions.

"If you start them on the road to recovery, and you're supporting them with transportation, why not keep giving it to them rather than all of a sudden you phone them up and go 'hey how's you doing' and [you hear] 'I'm having a crappy day' 'Why?' 'Well they got me funding cut off so I can't come to no more group meetings' ", Bourne pointed out.
One big change from the report may see doctors working out of a "hub" in Carbonear to service the surounding communities.
Eastern Health has not set a time for when that, or any other recommendation from the report may be put in place.