More towns to use spy cams to catch dumpers

Towns across the province are being encouraged to use video surveillance to crack down on illegally dumping.
Conception Bay South installed hidden cameras two years ago in popular dumping areas.
Brian Cranford, the town's enforcement manager, said the stratgey is working.
"We have 11 people – 11 people and companies – charged now," he said.

"Ten have been convicted, and one is before the courts. So it has been fairly successful."
The Multi-Materials Stewardship Board is helping other communities follow suit by providing seven towns with cameras.
They're also asking C.B.S. to share its experience.
"The beauty of this is that it is not rocket science," said Gordon Murphy, the MMSB's senior program development officer.
"It takes a lot of hard work to set up, but once they have been at it for a while it becomes easy and that's the beauty of it. It's something we can replicate across the island."
Jason Sinyard, who's in charge of waste management for St. John's, said the city is keeping a watchful eye on the program.
"We do have illegal dump sites, the same as any municipality throughout the province. So anything you can do to arm yourself and cut down on the number of occurrences is something you should look into," he said.