Needle disposals needed in more places around St. John's
500,000 needles handed out in 2014

As the spring thaw reveals used needles scattered on the ground, the co-ordinator of a needle distribution program in St. John's says more places are needed where injection drug users can safely dispose of their needles.
Tree Walsh, co-ordinator with the AIDS committee of Newfoundland and Labrador, said her organization gave out 500,000 needles last year.
Most users dispose of their needles properly, but some do end up being dumped in public spaces, Walsh told The St. John's Morning Show.
Where there's water, there are needles
Over the weekend, discarded needles were discovered around Quidi Vidi Lake as well as in Bowing Park.
"Anywhere there's a source for water, and needles are found there from time to time again, install a safe disposal box," Walsh said.
"That's the responsible thing to do. Our numbers are going up with people who are screaming to get on methadone. It's a much bigger problem."
Walsh said her group is willing to work with businesses and community groups to put proper disposal containers where they are needed.
Walsh said most of the users who take advantage of the safe works access program return their needles.