New information puts former nurse's trial on hold

The trial of a former Eastern Health nurse charged with accessing patient files has taken a potentially dramatic turn.
Colleen Weeks is accused of looking at more than 110 patient files without proper authorization. Weeks was a nurse with the health authority for more than a decade.
On Friday, provincial court trial Judge Greg Brown ruled that 105 of those incidents are not admissible as evidence.
Crown prosecutor Vikas Khaladkar is confident the case stands with the evidence based on remaining incidents, about a dozen in total.
However the trial has now been put on hold, based on new information.

Khaladkar and defence lawyer Randy Piercey told the court on Friday they have been made aware of the new information by Eastern Health.
Neither lawyer said they had seen the information, but Piercey said it could have a dramatic effect on the trial.
Both the Crown and defence have asked for time to review the information, and will give Judge Brown an update in mid-October.