This N.L. makeup artist creates 31 looks of Halloween
Every day of October is Halloween for self-taught makeup artist Nicole Parrell

Every day of October is Halloween for makeup artist Nicole Parrell.
For the last month, the self-taught Paradise makeup artist has been posting one Halloween makeup tutorial per day on her YouTube channel and Instagram and Snapchat accounts.
She's embodied horrifying characters, like Stephen King's Pennywise and Billy the Puppet from Saw, and the not-so-scary like Snow White and Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz.
"It started a while back when I did my first Halloween look on YouTube and I did the Newfoundland Old Hag and the story behind it," Parrell said.
Her love of makeup and creating comes naturally because Parrell painted landscapes on canvas, then moved her brushes to people.

Parrell's expanded love of makeup and video tutorials came from a tragedy in her family.
When her sister died four years ago, Parrell found making the videos to be a perfect escape
"Coming into this room and talking to people on the internet, it was almost therapy.… That's how my makeup obsession really grew because it was my happy place. It took me out of a world of not constantly thinking of the loss to my sister."
"When you're doing a look you don't necessarily have to make it like them — put your own twist on it," she said.

"It's about manipulating things and really making makeup an illusion."
She gets ideas from different horror movie characters, and thinks of how she can make them in a way that viewers can easily replicate.
For the big night, you'd think Parrell would do her best creation yet, and perhaps it is.
"I'm going as myself," she laughed.