Most of N.L. is now in Alert Level 3 — here's what that means
Avalon Peninsula shifted to Alert Level 4

Saturday marked the further easing of public health restrictions in Newfoundland and Labrador as the majority of the province moved to Alert Level 3 of the pandemic response plan, while the Avalon Peninsula moved to Alert Level 4.
The majority of active COVID-19 cases are located in the Eastern Health region of the province — which includes the Avalon Peninsula — spurring public health to keep that area under the stricter guidelines of Alert Level 4.
The rest of the island and Labrador are under Alert Level 3 — here's what people in those areas can and can't do.
Businesses and services
Restaurants can open for in-person dining at 50 per cent of the space's capacity, as long as physical distancing can be maintained between customers seated at adjacent tables. Buffets are still prohibited.
Bars, cinemas and bingo halls remain closed.
Retail stores, including shopping malls, can open at a reduced capacity and physical distancing must be maintained.
Personal service businesses including spas, esthetician services, hair salons, body piercing, tattooing and tanning salons, can open in accordance with public health guidelines.
Child care services can operate at full capacity.
Public spaces and gatherings
Funerals, burials, weddings and religious and cultural ceremonies are limited to no more than 20 people, including the officiant and physical distancing must be maintained. Public visitations are permitted, with one household bubble visiting at a time.
Wakes are still prohibited.
Informal gatherings are limited to a "tight 10," meaning households may have a total of 10 close contacts.
Gym and fitness facilities, yoga studios, swimming pools, tennis and squash facilities, arenas and dance studios are permitted to open with a maximum capacity of 20 people per room or ice surface. Physical distancing between household bubbles must can be maintained.
Group and team sports, along with arts and recreation activities are still suspended. Performance spaces remain closed.

Outdoor playgrounds and equipment can be used where allowed.
Public health encourages outdoor activities such as walking, hiking or riding a bike as long as physical distancing can be maintained between bubbles and if self-isolation isn't required for any reason.
Health care
Visitor restrictions are in place for acute care, long-term care, personal-care homes, community-care homes and assisted living facilities are in accordance with the guidelines for support persons or designated visitors.
Private health care clinics can open in accordance with public health guidelines.