#NLFoodDrive launched in St. John's to help fill empty shelves

The City of St. John's launched its annual curbside food drive in aid of the Community Food Sharing Association Friday.
Residents are asked to leave non-perishable food items on their doorstep during the week of Nov. 16-20.

Last year's campaign brought in over 120,000 pounds of food and councillor Danny Breen said this years goal is 150,000 pounds.
"This is an effort amongst council and our staff and everybody pulling together to make this work at a time when we really do need to put an extra effort into the collections for the food bank," said Breen.
Real need
Eg Walters, general manager with the Community Food Sharing Association, said the need is real and this effort will not go unnoticed.
"It's not only the amount that you're going to collect but it's the great amount of public awareness that you're creating in the community ... not only here in St. John's but throughout the whole province," said Walters.
Many ways to give
Pamphlets have been sent to residents with information about the drive.
They provide food suggestions, information on how to donate and a tag to be attached to your donation bag.

Breen added that people who live in apartment buildings should collect items within their building and call the city to have them picked up.
Donations can also be dropped of at any of the city's community centres or at city hall.
"There's lots of opportunity to participate and we certainly hope everybody will support this very important cause," said Breen.
The city will be providing daily updates online and on their Facebook page or using #nlfooddrive.