Northern shrimp quotas off coast of N.L. unchanged this year

The federal Fisheries and Oceans Minister has announced the northern shrimp quotas off the northeast coast of Newfoundland and Labrador will remain static in 2015.
Gail Shea has agreed to roll over last year's quotas for the 2015 fishing season in most of the key fishing areas, including area six.
The quota for area six — which includes the bulk of the province's inshore shrimp fishing fleet — will be 48,196 tonnes.
Quotas also stay the same in areas zero and four in the far north.
Area five off the north coast of Labrador will see an increase of 23,300 tonnes up from 20,970 the year prior.
"This year's science supports a modest increase of the total allowable catch," Shea said in a news release. "It means that all fishermen currently involved in this fishery will be out fishing this upcoming season."
Shea added that she will "continue to engage with Northern shrimp industry groups and take actions that conserve and protect the vital resource for future generations."
The northern shrimp fishery opens on Wednesday for areas four, five and six, which includes the entire northeast coast of Labrador and a portion off Newfoundland's coast.