NunatuKavut elders arrested at Muskrat site

RCMP arrested three NunatuKavut elders on the access road leading to Muskrat Falls on Tuesday.
The three men are accused of violating a court order to stay away from the Muskrat Falls construction site.
Jim Learning, John Learning and Ken Mesher walked through the gate early Tuesday.
They kept walking down the new access road, much to the chagrin of security staff who followed them and called the police.
About an hour later, five RCMP officers from Happy Valley-Goose Bay arrived and took the three men away in the back of a police car.
The men said they were only exercising what they believe is their traditional right to hunt and fish on the land.
Nalcor secured an injunction against members of NunatuKavut to prevent them from blocking access to the site or going anywhere near where the road is being built.
Men met by supporters
The elders were brought to the local RCMP detachment where they were greeted by about 20 supporters.

"This is a pretty heavy-handed injunction by Nalcor that doesn't allow us within 50 meters of their operations," said Lloyd Pardy, a NunatuKavut councillor and one of the protesters.
The RCMP had agreed to release the men, but they refused to sign the necessary paperwork.
So they were escorted into the courthouse to face charges of breach of a judge's orders.
The men were then released from custody.
They're due back in court in April.