NL·On Your Street

Take a tour of Salvage with this 6-year-old reporter

On Your Street is a brand new segment where kids become reporters, sharing stories from their communities. Leonora Coady is your guide to Salvage.

On Your Street: The news, according to kids

Leonora Coady has learned a lot about ocean ecosystems, seahorses and what you need to take with you on a hike on a sunny day in the woods. (CBC)

We think now's the perfect time to tune into some simpler, sweeter news. And some of it involves seahorses! 

On Your Street is a brand new segment on CBC N.L. where kids become reporters, sharing stories from their communities.

This week's story comes from Leonora Coady. The six-year-old is from St. John's, and hopes to become a journalist one day. 

We think she's a natural storyteller — with so much potential.

Leonora has learned a lot about ocean ecosystems, seahorses and what you need to take with you on a hike on a sunny day in the woods. 

Here's Leonora reporting from Salvage, on the Eastport Peninsula. 

Do you have a kid in your life who would like to share a story with us? 

Submit your video by clicking this link and filling out the form.

If you know a kid who'd like to report the news for CBC NL, send them our way! ((CBC))

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