Parents face more than 50 child abuse charges
Warning: This story contains disturbing details

Two parents in Conception Bay North are facing more than 50 charges of horrific crimes against their children.
Many of the details are covered by a publication ban, including the parents' names, in order to protect the identities of the children.
The offences are alleged to have occurred between 2004 and August 2012.
The 31-year-old mother faces the most charges, with 41 in total.
Police information filed with the court claims she assaulted her children, sometimes with a belt.
There are also numerous allegations of forcible confinement involving multiple children.
The mother is also accused of dangling her kids almost 10 feet above the floor from a stair rail.
The police charge sheet also alleges the mother held the children's heads under water.
The father - who is not in custody - is facing charges of confining the kids, as well as trying to get one of them to touch him sexually.
The charges were laid a week ago.
The mother has been in custody since that time but on Friday, following her bail hearing in Harbour Grace, the judge agreed to release her on strict conditions aimed at keeping her away from her children. The woman will stay with family in another community.
The woman cried and hugged family members upon learning of her release.
Both parents are due in court in July to enter pleas to the charges.