Party candidates, leaders make final push for Avalon votes

Sunday marks the last day before the provincial election in Newfoundland and Labrador and, as such, party leaders and candidates made a final push to get voters to the polls.
Liberal Leader Dwight Ball was spotted at the Farmer's Market Saturday in St. John's.
Now we're at the Farmer's market! <a href="">@DwightBallMHA</a> <a href="">@dalegkirby</a> <a href="">#strongertomorrow</a> <a href=""></a>
NDP Leader Earle McCurdy and PC Leader Paul Davis told CBC News they would both spend their last campaign days in their home districts of St. John's West and Topsail-Paradise respectively.
If social media is any indication, candidates were out in full force over the weekend.
NDP candidate for Signal Hill-Quidi Vidi Lorraine Michael said she was looking forward to an afternoon of door-knocking Sunday.
Looking forward to final day of door knocking before election. Enjoyed meeting voters on Monkstown Rd. yesterday with Jack Harris.
PC candidate Beth Crosbie said much the same in her district of Virgina Waters-Pleasantville Sunday.
Last day on the doors! Very energized team here and anyone is welcome to join us. Just pop by the HQ at 120 Torbay Road. <a href="">#nlvotes</a> <a href="">#nlpoli</a>
As did PC incumbent Steve Kent, who's running in the district of Mount Pearl North.
Second last day of campaigning. Let's go knock doors! <a href="">#MountPearlNorth</a> <a href="">#NLvotes</a> <a href=""></a>
Mona Rossiter, the NDP candidate in Ferryland, got behind the wheel of her campaign van Sunday.
Getting ready to start our we're having fun <a href="">#onyourside</a> <a href="">#nlndp</a> <a href="">#votemona</a> <a href="">#nlpoli</a> <a href=""></a>
Bill Kavanagh, NDP candidate for Conception Bay East-Bell Island, also spent Saturday afternoon knocking on doors.
Because sometimes you HAVE to play ice hockey after a great day of talking to voters in <a href="">#CBEBI</a> <a href="">#nlvotes</a> <a href=""></a>
Liberal candidate Randy Simms said his door-knocking team distributed about 6,000 rack cards in the district of Mount Pearl North.
The door knocking continues. Hard working volunteers in Mount Pearl North. These guys are just great!!!! <a href=""></a>
Jim Lester, the PC candidate in Mount Pearl-Southlands — and his truck — was also seen hitting the pavement.
So. <a href="">@FarmerJim</a>'s truck is bigger than my truck. I'm cool with that. <a href="">#MountPearlSouthlands</a> <a href="">#MountPearlNorth</a> <a href=""></a>
Meanwhile, many candidates on the Avalon made appearances at the annual Downtown St. John's Christmas Parade.
Good morning NL, all ships at sea, and Santa Claus. Fine day in Town for a parade. See you soon (noon downtown). <a href=""></a>
The St. John's Santa Claus Parade has begun! Beautiful warm day for it! <a href=""></a>
The girls are waiting for the Santa Claus Parade to begin. <a href="">@nlliberals</a> <a href="">#dtparade2015</a> <a href=""></a>
Great weather and big crowd out for the <a href="">@DTStJohnsParade</a> today! Kids are anxious to see the big guy!! <a href="">@CityofStJohns</a> <a href=""></a>