Pet-protecting program launched to help survivors of abusive relationships
Pet Safe Keeping program will find temporary homes for pets

Police and city officials have teamed up to create a program that will find temporary homes for pets that are owned by victims of intimate partner violence in the city.
The Pet Safe Keeping Program, which was officially launched Thursday, is aimed at women and others who stay in toxic relationships because of fear that their cats or dogs may be hurt or destroyed.
"In recent years, the RNC has taken a number of positive steps in addressing domestic and intimate partner violence in our community," said Royal Newfoundland Constabulary Chief William Janes.

"One of those steps has been to reach out to community partners to help end the continuum of violence. We are pleased that Humane Services has agreed to work with us and emergency shelters to find temporary accommodations for pets of victims of violence."
The city said studies have shown that decision making regarding leaving an abusive situation can be negatively impacted by the presence of a companion animal.
Since emergency shelters are often unable to accommodate pets, many victims delay leaving an abusive situation, out of fear of what might happen to their pet.
"For many victims of intimate partner violence, their relationship to their pet is the strongest positive connection with another living being," said Janes.
'Lifting another barrier'
Gail Tobin, CEO of Iris Kirby House, said the new program will take a lot of strain off women who need the services of the shelter.
"This is lifting another barrier that we often hear from women who call for services," said Tobin.
"This allows [in] those 30 days, the woman [to] come to the shelter, and hopefully in those 30 days, if her stay is extended beyond that, that it would give her an opportunity when she's not in crisis to find alternative arrangements for her pet."
During Thursday's program launch, St. John's Mayor Dennis O'Keefe put out the call to residents and animal lovers to sign up for the program and "support this important need" in the community.

"By signing up you are helping to support victims of violence, and you will have an opportunity to temporarily share your home with a loving animal," O'Keefe said.
"When people are in distress because of intimate violence, quite often the pet either suffers from the distress of the violence or from the violence itself."
Requests for emergency shelter for a pet will be received by Humane Services from partner organizations such as the RNC. Individuals requesting temporary pet accommodations must be a resident of St. John's.
The application form for residents able to foster a pet can be dropped off at Humane Services on Higgins Line, or emailed.