Protesting a protest: Pro-choice humour at anti-anti-abortion demonstration
Pro-choice supporters picketed an anti-abortion protest outside a medical clinic in St. John's Wednesday.
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Around 30 anti-anti-abortion demonstrators gathered in front of the Athena Health Centre on LeMarchant Road to draw attention to a message the counter-protest organizer called "ridiculous".

"The idea of shaming individuals for simply accessing a legal health care service ...There is actually no point in that," said Sarah Minty, a pro-choice advocate and the event organizer.
Minty told the St. John's Morning Show that the goal of the counter-protest is to to use humour and witty signs to make a point.
"The point is that it's a distraction. To bring humour to the scenario just as a way of doing it instead of escalating confrontation."
"Let people decide who looks more ridiculous: me or them." --Hind Eloukkal, a pro-choicer in lobster costume. <a href=""></a>
The counter-demonstration grew out of comments by Justice Minister Andrew Parsons last week about setting up a buffer zone around the clinic to prevent anti-abortion protesters from getting to close to clients.
One of those protesters, Colette Fleming, said Wednesday she has a problem with that.
"We are also protesting the fact that this right to stand, to assemble is planned to be taken away by our government" she told CBC News.
Fleming was one of three anti-abortion activists holding signs outside the Athena Health Centre.
"In no way do we feel intimidated that we are surrounded. They are exercising their right to freedom of speech, which is what we are doing."
While the two sides didn't engage in a discussion on the issue both were protesting, Minty said she doesn't agree with the anti-abortion approach.
"It's simply ridiculous, inappropriate and, frankly, despicable to shame and blame individuals who are coming here for what they need to do."
with files from The St. John's Morning Show and Laura Howells