Protesters take stand against Muskrat Falls

People upset with work on the proposed Muskrat Falls hydroelectric project protested at the site Monday morning, holding Labrador flags and signs.
They're mad because construction has started even though the province hasn't approved the project. Nalcor is building a power line and access road to the site, work that the demonstrators don't think should begin until the province sanctions the development.
"It tells me that this is a farce," said protester Denise Cole. "Whatever they're going to do in the House of Assembly is a farce, so if we don't take a stand now, all this is already happening."
The four people who participated in the protest aren't from any one group, but they say they're going to do everything they can to stop the project.
"Labrador has constantly been a place where people from away keep coming and taking what we have here," said Cole. "There are other ways to develop and grow. We don't have to destroy our lands and water to do that."
Nalcor says work must happen now to keep costs down and prevent delays.
The house of assembly will have a special debate on Muskrat Falls this fall.