Proud of son, but he's wrong: MP's mom

The mother of the newly elected MP for Labrador says she was delighted to see him elected this week, even though she vehemently disagrees with his stand on the proposed Lower Churchill hydroelectric development.

"I'm so happy," said Elizabeth Penashue, a veteran Innu activist whose son, Peter Penashue, took the former Liberal stronghold for the Conservatives in Monday's election.
"I'm very proud because this is a first-time Innu [MP who will] work with the government."
Elizabeth Penashue, though, has campaigned to stop any development on the Churchill River, including the Lower Churchill plan that would see a power plant built at Muskrat Falls, southwest of the Innu village of Sheshatshiu.
Peter Penashue has strongly backed the plan and helped negotiate an as-yet unratified benefits agreement for the Innu.
His mother believes the proposal would harm the Innu way of life.
"It's not only fish that are going to die. There's going to be a lot of animals going to die if the government starts another dam," she said.
Despite their differences, Penashue supported her son during the campaign. She said, though, that she must follow her own path on some issues.
Peter Penashue staged an upset on Monday night, becoming the first Tory since 1968 to win in Labrador. Voters in the riding have elected Liberal candidates in every other election since Confederation.