Province should partially foot bill for impact study: Karen Oldford

It cost Labrador City council more than $50,000 to conduct a study into the possible effects of a new mine near the town, and the mayor says at least some of the bill should have been covered by the province.
The Iron Ore Company of Canada wants to build a new pit near the community, behind Smokey Mountain.
Mayor Karen Oldford said the town hired consultants to determine the pit's impact on air and water quality.
Oldford said aboriginal groups received provincial government money to study the effects of the Muskrat Falls project on their region, adding towns should qualify for similar funding.
"Adjacent communities to major industrial development that can have an impact on the health and welfare of the community, should in fact have a requirement by law for some funding to help them ensure that they're meeting the residents' best needs today and for the future," she said.
Oldford added the study also looks at the impacts of blasting and vibrations on existing infrastructure.
The province recently extended the deadline for input on IOC's environmental impact statement.