Qalipu Mi'kmaq elect Brendan Mitchell as new band chief
The Qalipu Mi'kmaq First Nation Band elected a new chief and council on Friday.

The Qalipu Mi'kmaq First Nation Band elected a new chief and council on Friday.
The band released the results on social media late Friday night, announcing Brendan Mitchell as the new chief. Mitchell defeated Shane Snook and Brendan Sheppard in the vote.
Looks like Bernard White is Ward Councilor for Benoit's Cove. Erica Samms Hurley takes a nice lead on Western Vice Chief
Erica Samms Hurley was elected as vice-chief for western, and Joseph Bouzanne was elected vice-chief, central.
The Qalipu Mi'kmaq First Nation Band represents Mi'kmaq in Newfoundland and Labrador.
Nine councillors were also elected, as follows:
- Benoit's Cove: Bernard White
- Corner Brook: Brian Dicks
- Exploits: Andrew Barker (acclamation)
- Flat Bay: Ben Bennett
- Gander Bay: Calvin Francis (acclamation)
- Glenwood: Francis Skeard
- Port au Port: Jasen Benwah (acclamation)
- Stephenville: Gerard Joseph Alexander
- St. George's: Arlene Blanchard White