NDP unveils array of promises to improve lives of seniors

The New Democratic Party turned its attention to seniors Thursday as Leader Earle McCurdy unveiled another plank in the party's election platform.
McCurdy laid out a nine-point plan to help Newfoundland and Labrador's growing population of seniors age with dignity.
Some of the measures were announced earlier in the campaign, including a promise to expand prescription drug coverage, the establishment of an independent seniors' advocate, and legislation to protect pensions if a company goes bankrupt.
Thursday's announcement also included a pledge to introduce a so-called "Keep the Heat" program, which would provide money to seniors to retrofit their homes to reduce energy costs.
Elderly couples won't be separated
An NDP government would also take measures to recruit more gerontologists, and ensure elderly couples are not separated when entering long-term care homes.
"I can't imagine a system failing an elderly couple more dismally than that," McCurdy said of instances where a husband and wife have been housed in different centres.
He said the NDP would also improve home care supports so seniors can live in their own homes for as long as possible.
McCurdy said the percentage of seniors in the province is expected to increase dramatically in the coming years, and it's important to prepare for that reality well ahead of time.
"We have to remember it was seniors who built this province, and we owe them the very least a retirement with dignity," he said.
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