Fishing boat encounters 4 sharks off Newfoundland
Photos, video show sharks up close and personal in Newfoundland waters

A woman says she had not one but four shark encounters while fishing off Conception Bay, Newfoundland, on Monday.

Leona Fahey says she and her family were fishing off Ochre Pit Cove when a shark grabbed a cod fish, just before the fish was hauled to the surface of the water.
Monday was the first day commercial fishermen were allowed to get their catch this summer.

Later that same day, Fahey said a shark was accidentally hooked on a fishing line.
Fahey said her husband and his uncle managed to free the shark from the hook.

"He swam off pretty fast so he seemed to be doing OK," Fahey said.

Coastal Connections, an eco-tour company in Holyrood, operates a shark conservation program in which blue sharks are tagged and released.
The data is used to help scientists at the Department of Fisheries and Oceans.
The video below shows a curious, female shark they caught on camera in Conception Bay.
Hillary Wainwright, who submitted the video, said the shark was about six feet long.