Shoal Point oil leak linked to abandoned well, environment report says

An environmental report shows an abandoned well likely caused oil seepage into Shoal Point in Port au Port Bay.
The provincial Environment and Conservation department said Tuesday the initial report from Amec Foster Wheeler Environment and Infrastructure suggests the source of the oil — which caused a sheen on the water — is an abandoned well.
Oil was seeping at about one litre per hour when it was inspected, the report said. Field inspections showed the oil was being released intermittently, not continuously.
A flyover of the oil-slicked area in June observed a 1.2 litre oil sheen. However, four subsequent flyovers didn't detect any oil, the department said in a news release.
The solution, the report said, is for the seepage area to be isolated from sea water using a double culvert system.
"Excavation will take place inside the isolated work area to expose the top of the well casing," the news release said.
Once the casing is inspected, the department will determine what further action can be taken.