Where are all the 'bergs? Tour operators say iceberg sightings in N.L. down this year so far
2017 was a spectacular season for spotting the glacial visitors

Newfoundland and Labrador — a province lauded for its shimmering coastlines, plentiful wildlife and rugged scenery — is falling short so far this year when it comes to one of its most prized tourist attractions: icebergs.
Robert Bartlett, the owner and operator of whale watching and iceberg tour company Trinity Eco-Tours, says he's seen fewer than 10 icebergs since the province's prime iceberg season kicked off at the start of May.

He says in previous years he'd have seen 40 to 50 by now.
Further south, Iceberg Quest Ocean Tours captain Barry Rogers says he's also noticed a downtick in iceberg sightings, but he's optimistic more of them will show up as the season progresses.
Rogers says many factors affect iceberg sightings, including tides, sea conditions, and where they break off in Greenland.
Last year, Newfoundland and Labrador enjoyed a phenomenal iceberg season, with more than a thousand of the glacial beauties counted off the coast of the province.