St. John's swim club in deep end over threatened cuts
St. John's only competitive swim club says it's asking city council not to cancel a grant to the Aquarena, a move council says it must take to rein in a deficit projected in next year's budget.
The city gave the Aquarena $150,000 in the 2007 budget, but it's looking at cutting the grant in order to make up a projected budget shortfall of $6 million.
St. John's Legends Swim Club past president Bill Brodie said Monday a cut to the operating budget of the city's largest swimming pool will mean higher rental fees for clubs like his.
Brodie said the club has already raised its fees by 10 per cent this yearfor its 150 members, but he's not sure they can absorb another hike in fees. The top group at the clubnow pays $1,500 in fees.
"If we're forced to increase costs, then it may become too expensive for some people," he said.
The chairman of the board that manages the Aquarena, Bill Thistle, said it currently gets grants from the city and Memorial University.
Thistle said the public will lose out if the city pulls its funding.
"It would be disappointing if the flavour or the priorities became university only," he said.
Councillors are expected to finalize what they will cut from the budget in the coming days.