40K people and 15,500 pounds of food at St. John's Christmas parade
Cash and food donations collected for the Community Food Sharing Association
Roughly 40,000 people lined the streets for this year's downtown St. John's Christmas Parade on Sunday, and organizers say more than 7,000 kilograms – or 15,500 pounds – of food and $8,000 in loonies and toonies was collected.
Gaylynne Lambert is the marketing, events and media relations manager with Downtown St. John's, the group that puts off the event.
"Under sunny skies with periods of perfect Christmas snow, the parade made its way through historic downtown St. John's with Santa's hearty 'Ho Ho Ho' delighting the thousands of children who came to see him," Lambert said Sunday afternoon.

After being postponed by one week due to bad weather on Sunday, Nov. 27, Lambert was unsure how the parade would turn out.
"It was our first cancellation that we'd had in 12 years, so we were a little bit nervous," she said.
"We lost some of our entries because people had other commitments and they couldn't make it the second time, so the parade was a little bit shorter. But overall, there were some lovely floats and some high spirits from the marching bands."
Lambert said parades held in other communities on the northeast Avalon on Sunday may have also contributed to the smaller crowds in downtown St. John's.
Time lapse of the crowds <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/cbcnl?src=hash">#cbcnl</a> <a href="https://t.co/lOoDHq2jof">pic.twitter.com/lOoDHq2jof</a>
Along with the marching bands, dancers and floats, volunteers from Newfoundland Power collected food and cash donations for the Community Food Sharing Association throughout the parade.
Lambert said the amount of food collected valued over $37,500 in total.
We probably had 10,000 [fewer] people this year.- Gaylynne Lambert
"They did pretty well, down a little bit from previous years," she said.
"But that will reflect the fact that we probably had 10,000 [fewer] people this year."
To cap off the whole event, Santa flew in on a helicopter to ride his sleigh at the end of the parade and will now work on answering the "sleigh full of letters collected by his special elves from Canada Post," said Lambert.
CBC NL is all ready for the parade!!! <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/cbcnl?src=hash">#cbcnl</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/stjsantaclausparade?src=hash">#stjsantaclausparade</a> <a href="https://t.co/GzO6nqws9v">pic.twitter.com/GzO6nqws9v</a>
Downtown St. John's was not the only host to a Santa Claus parade on Sunday. The towns of Torbay, Portugal Cove-St. Philip's and the City of Mount Pearl held events as well.
With files from Randal Wheeler