Whale hello there: Spectators wowed by shoreline show
'It almost seems like you could touch them,' says St. Vincent's Mayor Daniel St. Croix

St. Vincent's is a busy spot these days — and so is the water just off the shoreline — as pods of whales put on a spectacular show for people flocking to the St. Mary's Bay community to take in the display.
"Every year the whales come to this area, but this has been an exceptional year by a long shot," said Mayor Daniel St. Croix.

The community's cobblestone beach has been a big draw for locals and tourists alike over the past three weeks.
A steep drop-off just off the shoreline creates a deep water area that allows the magnificent marine mammals to get up-close and personal.

"It almost seems like you could touch them, but you know they're probably within 100 metres," said St. Croix.
At times there have been a hundred or so people gathered to watch the whales feed and frolic, with visitors sharing shore space with local residents who never tire of the show.

"They have never experienced anything like they have experienced here in St. Vincent's," said St. Croix, who has met tourists from other parts of Canada, the U.S. and Germany on the beach.
"You can imagine a big whale standing right straight out of the water, it's unbelievable."

While there are whale watchers arriving at all hours of the day, St. Croix said around 7 p.m. is his favourite time to go to the beach.
"We've been there when possibly four big whales came up and splashed back down in the water [at the same time]," said St. Croix.

"It seems like that hour in the evening is a great opportunity for pictures and they really put on a show."

With files from the St. John's Morning Show