Tale of 4 brothers inspires war memorial 50 years in the making

A veteran's memorial was unveiled in Logy Bay-Middle Cove-Outer Cove Tuesday, culminating more than 50 years of planning by retired Master Cpl. Pat O'Rourke.

"They were born just up the road here … they moved into St. John's in the early- to mid-Thirties and then the war broke out and they never returned, and when she told me that story that inspired me to this," he said.
"It's been a dream of mine ever since then," he said.
The O'Briens were one of many Newfoundland and Labrador families devastated by the two World Wars.
O'Rourke said the memorial, which serves to honour veterans from all military sections, will encourage people to remember those who died fighting for Canada.
"All the grandchildren for years and years to come will ask their parents, 'Mom, Dad, what's that for?' and they'll explain it to them... and that's all that is, it's a remembrance and that's how they'll continue to remember," he said.
"Let's remember them. Always remember the vets, please, that's all I can say, that's all I can ask."
The memorial was paid for by the Royal Canadian Legion, as well as the municipal, provincial, and federal governments.