Tents vs. RVs: CBC listeners debate the best way to camp

Heading into the Victoria Day long weekend, the St. John's Morning Show asked listeners how they prefer to spend some time in the great outdoors: camping in a tent or in a recreational vehicle (RV).
The question struck a nerve with those who tuned in. So dozens took to social media to debate both sides.
Join the debate. Which is better? Camping or RV-ing? <a href="https://twitter.com/AnthonyGermain">@AnthonyGermain</a> is a purest. I'm not. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/cbcnl?src=hash">#cbcnl</a>
Some were quick to tout the comforts of sleeping in an RV.
<a href="https://twitter.com/AnthonyGermain">@AnthonyGermain</a> I've tented and graduated to an RV. Anyone who prefers a tent must never have enjoyed the comfort of a travel trailer.
While others felt pitching a tent brings them closer to nature.
<a href="https://twitter.com/AnthonyGermain">@AnthonyGermain</a> I vote for tents... you can hear the birds in the morning (unless you have the bad luck to be next to an RV w/ generator )
However, another listener thinks having kids ruins the tranquility of the tenting experience.
<a href="https://twitter.com/AnthonyGermain">@AnthonyGermain</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/cecilhaire">@cecilhaire</a> Love the tent but with 2 kids under 3 it was time this year to get a popup/hardtop camper. Best of both worlds?
But then again, tenting is cheaper — which means more cash for the bare necessities.
<a href="https://twitter.com/AnthonyGermain">@AnthonyGermain</a> I spend the money I saved on an RV on bologna and meatballs and gravy
Another listener thinks those who use an RV to experience nature are really just moving the suburban lifestyle to a different place.
<a href="https://twitter.com/AnthonyGermain">@AnthonyGermain</a> While tenting in Terra Nova last year, saw an RV with a bouncy castle outside it. Tent for me, please!
Others think the tenters are simply in denial about just how uncomfortable it really is.
<a href="https://twitter.com/nancywalshcbc">@nancywalshcbc</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/cecilhaire">@cecilhaire</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/AnthonyGermain">@AnthonyGermain</a> I'm old; but I've hated tenting since I was 5. Had to sleep in one with mom, dad& six siblings.
Finally, some listeners have given up on both methods, opting instead for something a little more luxurious.
<a href="https://twitter.com/AnthonyGermain">@AnthonyGermain</a> First time I went tenting a RV backed over my tent. Now I only use Hotels with pools.
Where do you stand on this debate? Let us know in the comments!