Political contributions have corrupted the system, and they have to stop
It's time to put a cap on donations to politicians, argues Terry Hussey

"That's just how you play the game."
We were two years into our new business and wondering what needed to be done to try and get work from government, so we asked a 30-year construction sector veteran.
It was suggested that we attend an upcoming fundraising dinner for the premier. Tickets were $500 each — a lot of money, I thought.
"Yes," he said, "but it will be noticed if you aren't there."
So off we went.
At the event we sat through a stuffed chicken breast dinner at the Delta — the most expensive meal I've ever eaten.
After dinner, we tried to catch the attention of a cabinet minister.
"Minister, this is Terry. He's got a new business." A nod from the minister. "Nice to meet you. Thanks for coming," and then a turn to shake the next hand.
I was stunned. That's what I paid $1,000 for?
Just the tip of the iceberg
Later I came to realize that my experience was the tip of the iceberg for corporate political donations. If you really want to impress, you'll host a private fundraiser in your home and invite wealthy colleagues.
"But I don't have any wealthy friends or money myself" I said to my older colleague.
"You will someday, and then it'll be your turn," came the reply.

This was 2014, before my company received business excellence awards, before being recognized as a top Atlantic Canadian business leader.
It was also before I really understood who I was, what I believed in business and our province, and how things should be done.
The problem no one wants to talk about
As we say goodbye to 2018 and look toward 2019, everyone in Newfoundland and Labrador understands that things aren't looking great. The cat's out of the bag. However, all we hear are the same empty words and half-truths that don't satisfy anymore.
I believe that the single biggest threat to the future of Newfoundland and Labrador isn't Muskrat Falls, our cyclical economy, the struggles of rural areas, or our debt; it is none of these things.
There's a rot lying at the heart of our democracy that has diseased our society to the point of near-extinction as a people and nobody wants to talk about it.
Nobody wants to change or shine a light into this dark corner because what we'll find is the ugly truth of business and politics: give the right money to the right people and you will get paid.
I am talking about corporate and union donations and how they have poisoned our society, handcuffed elected leaders, stifled innovation, encouraged unethical behaviour, and killed hope and optimism for the future.
Time to put a cap on things
Newfoundland and Labrador remains one of the last provinces in Canada to allow uncapped donations to politicians.
Donations made by for-profit businesses (and unions) with the intention of advancing their business interests or agenda with governments of the day. With local elections being "Red:Blue:Red," it has become simple for groups to dump money into the winning side to ensure they maintain access to high-level government decision makers.
By forcing them to get this money from business and interest groups, we handcuff political leaders to this archaic, rotten system of favours, influence and patronage that pulses beneath the surface of everything government does.
What's the big deal with this access? I believe this access is intended to increase revenues and profits for these companies or to advance union agendas.
A company that makes a $10,000 donation in an election ensures limitless access to the premier and the cabinet in power. They get to influence how government spends, and how laws and regulations are set. Can you text a minister and get a response?
Some in our province can, and — depending on how they got that exclusive number — it isn't right.
Elections are expensive, costing upwards of $1.5 million to run a provincial campaign.
But the provincial government spends $8 billion a year.
The $1.5 million that politicians depend on companies and unions to donate is a tiny fraction of government spending each year.
By forcing them to get this money from business and interest groups, we handcuff political leaders to this archaic, rotten system of favours, influence and patronage that pulses beneath the surface of everything government does.
Our leaders are shackled to an archaic system
Even when a government does something progressive like the new procurement act, special interest groups use their influence to allow single-source contracts below $100,000.
One step forward, 10 back.
We are facing an existential crisis as a society that we cannot avoid if the very foundation of our democracy is corrupt.
Our leaders can't lead while shackled to this system, as the donors who got them elected will throw their money to the other side, maintaining this insanity. The benefactors of this system care little for the struggles of Newfoundland and Labrador families who are being squeezed each year.
They don't care about rising debt, the death of rural communities or dwindling opportunities for average people.
They are insulated by wealth and power and will continue to abuse this system so long as we let them.

Change cannot happen until people realize that this problem is akin to trying to move forward with the parking brake on. How can we trust anything a government does if they owe such debts to donors?
Was that contract awarded fairly or was it because they donated the right money via a numbered company? Was that person hired the best person for the job? Was that regulation amended to benefit society or a special interest group?
The only way to be sure is to remove this influence entirely by banning corporate and union donations.
Once done, we can begin to move our province forward.