Suncor signs $119M offshore contract for Transocean rig
Switzerland-based Transocean announced Monday it had signed a 15-month contract with Suncor for the use of its Transocean Barents rig.
15-month contract signed by Switzerland company; work to begin 3rd quarter of 2017

Newfoundland and Labrador's offshore oil industry will be getting a Swiss visitor in 2017.
Switzerland-based Transocean announced Monday it had signed a 15-month contract with Suncor for the use of its Transocean Barents rig.
The Transocean Barents is a harsh-environment, ultra-deepwater floater, and is expected to begin operations in the third quarter of next year.
The rig's rate is $260,000 a day, making the contract worth $119 million.
Transocean owned the Deepwater Horizon, which sank off the coast of Louisiana in 2010 after an explosion and fire that killed 11 workers. A movie adaptation of the disaster is currently in theatres.