3 possible cases of TB in Hopedale, Labrador-Grenfell Health investigating
If cases confirmed, Hopedale TB count will rise to 6 this year

Labrador-Grenfell Health is investigating three new potential cases of Tuberculosis (TB) in Hopedale and, if confirmed, that could bring the count to six cases this year.
In a news release issued Tuesday afternoon, the health authority said samples are being studied in a lab to verify the diagnosis. In the meantime, the three individuals suspected of contracting the disease "have been placed in treatment."
"We would like the public to know that Labrador-Grenfell Health is conducting a thorough process of contact tracing to identify persons who have been in close contact with individuals who have TB to determine if they are at risk for exposure to the infection," said Chief Medical Officer of Health David Allison in the statement.
Two residents of the community were diagnosed with TB earlier this year, while a third was diagnosed earlier this month.
Allison said there is no public cause for alarm, even though the disease is spread from person to person through the air when an infected individual coughs, sneezes or speaks.
Symptoms include chronic coughing, fever or night sweats, loss of appetite, weight loss and fatigue. But it could be months or years before those symptoms present themselves.
The health authority said case counts are updated regularly on its website. More information on TB can be found here.