Used syringes found on Mundy Pond shore, walking trail

City workers in St. John's were called to Mundy Pond on Tuesday to dispose of discarded syringes found along the shoreline.
Dozens of used hypodermic needles were discovered on the north side of the pond along a popular walking trail, across from St. Teresa's Parish.
The needles were found by Shawn Lewis, who was walking his dog in the area.

"I immediately became quite concerned for my safety and the safety of my dog because we walk this trail every day, as well as for the kids who play in the neighbourhood and that," said Lewis.
He said he immediately called the city, which was quick to dispatch workers to deal with the mess.
According to Lewis, the needles were spread about 100 metres along the pond's shoreline, but he added city workers seemed to be finding them even further down the trail.
It's unclear where the medical waste came from.