Viking Furs Inc. bows out of Placentia Junction fur farm — for now

Viking Furs Inc, the company behind a proposal that would see a mink fur farm operate near Placentia Junction, has withdrawn its application for the area.
The contentious proposal raised eyebrows among cabin owners and one chicken farmer near the Argentia Access Road, who petitioned against the farm.
That protestation was one of the reasons why the company decided to bow out — at least for now.
"We like to address these people's concerns, and it's a legitimate concern, people have about being a neighbour to a mink farm," co-owner Peter Noer said.
Noer said the company will reapply for the same location, which he says is a "perfect spot" for a mink farm.
Victory for cabin owners
John Devereaux, who owns a cabin in the area, said it seems as though the petitioning and lobbying against the farm paid off.
"We will wait and see what happens, " he said. "Everybody is very relieved."
He hopes Viking Furs Inc. won't reapply because it's not the place for a farm.
"I think that you have to be open-minded to speak to someone but I really don't think anything that they can do will address our concerns."