Topsail Road pedway a no go, says city committee

The City of St. John's police and traffic committee has voted against a proposed pedway on Topsail Road between Waterford Valley High and the Village Mall.
The idea gained momentum when a teenager died after being knocked down by a car on a busy section of the road in February.
The incident happened before the new high school opened. The intersection near the school has since become a major route for students.
The city, however, said its research shows that pedways that don't connect two buildings aren't often used.
"I sensed that the votes simply weren't at the table," Councillor Art Puddister said.

Instead, a recommendation has been made to reprogram traffic lights on Topsail Road and Hamlyn Road to give pedestrians extra time to cross the street.
Deputy Mayor Ron Ellsworth said many schools in the city face similar challenges.
"If we're going to spend some time and energy evaluating pedways, I would like it done so that all school communities are included," he said.
The recommendation will be reviewed by the full city council on Monday.