Whales put on show near Little Bay East
Humpback whales came within 60 feet from the shore, according to Cora Scott

A group of humpback whales entertained residents of Little Bay East on Tuesday evening, coming within feet of the shore.
Cora Scott says about five humpback whales entered the town's harbour and put on quite a show, circling several times.
"It was a spectacular show, they would circle right near the wharf. Near enough that we could actually look down on them as they passed the wharf," she told CBC Radio's The Broadcast.
Scott says she saw three whales breaching at once. She also saw what she believes to be dolphins or porpoises, along with eagles.
"It was quite amazing," she said.
"[The dolphins or porpoises] were jumping all over the place, coming out of the water, and I guess they were feeding off whatever the whales were stirring up."
Scott said she hadn't seen such a display of animals in the area since 1995, and the area usually only sees one or two humpbacks come around each year.